Nurseula Undress

THE PROBLEM WITH utilizing composites made up of different drawings---as I use for almost all of my finished-quality cartoons these days----is that a lot of fine detail can easily get lost when the shrunken-down elements are all put together.

The polished effects are better seen in 'loving close-up', and here is a prime example.

Striking the right balance in putting these images together usually means trying to avoid spending time on details that will be rendered near-invisible at the end of the task.


---At long last, I seem to have finally shook off the heavy Barrie Appleby influence [Barrie drew Cuddles and Dimples for DANDY from the mid-80s onwards ]     as regards the depiction of the 'sexy blonde nurse' as seen below.

I do like to think that the design of the nurse here is a Smith creation through-and-through, or at the very least I am free of ape-ing the style of another artist----that was the intent here, at least.

Barrie's work was tops though, and along with David Parkins, proved there was quality new material being put out by D C Thomson during the barren 80, 90s and beyond.

while we are at it, here is an opportunity for me to add in more close-ups of previous images: 



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