Color Experiment [3]

Slowly but surely, I'm learning to use computer-color......I've just learned to use the 'bucket tool': ace stuff, very quick indeed! So that's 'flat' artwork sussed out---------now to move onto 'gradiated tone, which is what I really want.......


  1. This drawing made me laugh the first time I saw it - it looks fab in colour (color?). Looking forward to seeing your next colour work.

  2. Thanks, guys! The blatant Americanisms in the spellings on here are deliberate: it's just me getting 'tuned in' to the strip, set in New York [mostly].

    The image of B.B. pumping up his foot was another of those lightning-quick ideas that was thought up quickly when I needed an illustration
    for the term 'Footnote' a few posts back....this cartoon has had a good response, so I'll likely incorporate it into the actual strips.

    A lot of colour stuff is planned, with some coming up soon, hopefully.


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