THE FLY: A Walk on the Weird Side
HERE WE SEE my first all-new FLY entry of this year 2016: so, why has it all gone so quiet on the FLY front, then?
-----Bsically, the FLY is my fave-rave personal cartoon concept in purely visual terms: BOOMER is undoubtedly my most commercial proposition, but this insect-science fiction theme has real potential for some truly absurdist and striking imagery, as can be seen below.
HOWEVER! Although I have every faith in the visual impact of this enterprize, there is that little matter of COPYRIGHT regarding the FLY-MAN Andre in particular: just too literally close to the unfortunate central character seen in the 1958 film, owned in perpetuity by 20th Century Fox.
'.........Ah, but you use a clear copy-clone of KING KONG in BABY BOOMER.'
----------- I hear you counter. Yes, this is true, my KOONG KING variant of the famous film ape is merely my own interpretation of the RKO/UNIVERSAL PICTURES-owned movie monster, but that is no real problem as he is merely an occassional SUPPORTING CHARACTER, more akin to me drawing a vampire character who resembles Dracula or introducing a Frankensteins' Monster-like figure: fine for an impromptu appearence now and again, so cliched and recognizable that nobody can really claim to 'own' it outright........ but not good as the 'star' character.
THE FLY [I will have to change that title as well] needs another 'star' character to headline the strip [there are only TWO real characters in the strip, Andre the mutant and his wife Helene; there are THREE if you count the tiny Fly-Man but thus far he is mere cameo fodder]----I will avoid adding in a hackneyed scientist-boffin character, though: just too over-done and familiar, ..........I have something else in mind.
Anyway, more on this one later:
-----Bsically, the FLY is my fave-rave personal cartoon concept in purely visual terms: BOOMER is undoubtedly my most commercial proposition, but this insect-science fiction theme has real potential for some truly absurdist and striking imagery, as can be seen below.
HOWEVER! Although I have every faith in the visual impact of this enterprize, there is that little matter of COPYRIGHT regarding the FLY-MAN Andre in particular: just too literally close to the unfortunate central character seen in the 1958 film, owned in perpetuity by 20th Century Fox.
'.........Ah, but you use a clear copy-clone of KING KONG in BABY BOOMER.'
----------- I hear you counter. Yes, this is true, my KOONG KING variant of the famous film ape is merely my own interpretation of the RKO/UNIVERSAL PICTURES-owned movie monster, but that is no real problem as he is merely an occassional SUPPORTING CHARACTER, more akin to me drawing a vampire character who resembles Dracula or introducing a Frankensteins' Monster-like figure: fine for an impromptu appearence now and again, so cliched and recognizable that nobody can really claim to 'own' it outright........ but not good as the 'star' character.
THE FLY [I will have to change that title as well] needs another 'star' character to headline the strip [there are only TWO real characters in the strip, Andre the mutant and his wife Helene; there are THREE if you count the tiny Fly-Man but thus far he is mere cameo fodder]----I will avoid adding in a hackneyed scientist-boffin character, though: just too over-done and familiar, ..........I have something else in mind.
Anyway, more on this one later:
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