FLYTOONS: Final Line-Up

FLYTOONS [formerly THE FLY] IS BACK WITH A VENGANCE, courtesy this brand-new, freshly minted artwork.

As previously stated by me on here many times, I had to alter the mix in order to avoid plagiarism:   the look of the feature-concept was far too close to the characters in the 1958 FOX movie that inspired this work.

AND SO!!!!!!!

-----------DISCOUNTING    the tiny fly-man, I only---previously------ had two characters: the scientist girl and the man-sized fly-man hybrid--clearly, another character would not go amiss, and here I am unveling this brand-new scientist dude for the first time---thus far he only exists as a sheet of rough sketches and this finished piece seen below..----------


--------left to right:

HELLEYNE, the attractive   female scientist and wife of full-size FLY-mutant Andre. The voice of reason within the ultra-grim proceedings.

NEW CHARACTER:         older male scientist, an unfortunate hybrid between human boffin and laboratory spider:   this creation is nothing like Spider-Man, though--------creating this being, I most definitely ,  knew I never wanted a hackneyed, overdone-everywhere-in-fiction balding, bespectacled,  scientific boffin-genius, and this striking creation hopefully fits the bill. Unlike Andre the Fly-man, this particular insect-person  can actually talk, which should help previous scripting problems.

TINY FLY-MAN:   as yet in-named, the tiny dude seems happy at his mutated lot in life, and this character is fine for small-scale-close-up-

gags  as way of diversion---watch this space.

ANDRE, the large-sized Fly-Man mutant: Andre is a striking creation to be sure, but really from now on he will be more of a Spock-like figure: that is, his mere alien presence will be more than enough to establish the bizarre premise of FLYTOONS at any given conjuncture---there was also that small problem of Andre being unable to talk---I was going to have him holding up signs wth dialog a-la Wile E Coyote, but that particular  novelty would soon have run out; I also use the exact same approach for BABY BOOMER, so to avoid doing this sort of thing too much is a welcome relief..Andre is staying put, he is a striking proposition, though I say so myself.

MORE ON FLYTOONS later-----Great to be back doing these doodles again.



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