Interglobal, Inc [2]

MORE EXAMPLES AND ILLUSTRATIONS of how my cartoon artwork is finding an outlet in the overseas market.

Here is a very stylized, 'edgy'-looking 'living showboat' done for an ESTONIAN customer  just recently:  the criteria here was a cartoon 'not especially for kids, something a bit more left-field'.

This one took a few rough drafts due to the fact I can't recall ever drawing a SHOWBOAT ever previously, before this: somewhat unusually for me, this was a GOOGLE IMAGES consultation job as regards looking at pictures of real showboats.

Here we have the finished artwork in  various stages, including some early proto-roughs, as well as a look at the finished design-logo as it exists over in central Europa.

See also how the very early concept try-outs looked too much like a smaller tugboat, and how it sometimes takes a few tries to get a design looking 'right'.



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