Commercial Collaborations

I AM ADDING IN  a lot of previously-unseen [on here at least] imagery from my archives, and this   is  another gag idea not actually written by me, but an unusual collaboration between me drawing this up after someone else thought up the idea.

We both agreed I could perhaps try altering my style a bit: more deliberately simplified, like what you sometimes used to see in the USA satire Magazine THE NEW YORKER.

As I have made crystal-clear on here before, this is a target for cartoons I would not normally pursue left to my own devices, but every year I get a few requests, totally out of the blue, from customers/ buyers seeking drawings from me [often as a result of finding this blog]. If someone shows real enthusiasm for a new cartoon project, I will usually go ahead with their desires.

Anyway! I was very happy to try out a 'new' style although I think my own natural style shows through in this particular example.

Two versions of this one, with digitally altered detail in the background---very easy to do, even 'freehand' as much as drawing with a mere mouse will allow.




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