Election Night Special

TODAY, 8th November 2016 at the time of writing, may prove to be the biggest turning point in World Politics since 

JANUARY 30, 1933

inasmuch that the renagade loose cannon that is DONALD TRUMP may later today seize power of a modern Superstate.

The guy appears to be  hellbent in creating mayhem on a Worldwide scale, and if he obtains power I reckon the planet will be a much more dangerous place. In the North Korean corner, we also have Kim Jong openly declaring he will prime Nukes at anyone he deems fit:  happy days are here again! At least Kruschev backed down in the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis---but Trump or Jong----NO DICE, BUSTER!!!!!!

Trump is not above hovering his itchy trigger-finger over the Nuclear Button: his kneejerk reactions and hot-headed persona could mean he could escalate a War even worse than the Nazis instigated-----I hope he gets defeated, I will find out within a few hours.


About this cartoon:   I drew this weeks ago, in a location where I had absolutely no internet access, and so for once my avoidance of Google Images for facial reference is excusable---not a bad likeness considering, but Don is easy-peasy to draw.

The BADD EGG supporting stooge has probably been shrunken down too much, and if this was meant for publication I would alter the scale of the egg accordingly---Dons' Sharkskin Suit came out fine, though.



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