
Showing posts from August, 2016

Another Temporary Cease In Transmissions

I NEED A WEE BREAK AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER, readers: so I am stopping posting for a short while. Loads of unseen/unfinished material still in the can,---probably in the lower hundreds, going by the size of the pile of paper------- so it's not exactly through a shortage of material.....I just prefer the REAL WORLD sometimes [a lot of the time, actually]....It will be a blessed relief to escape from pixels and endless computer options for a short time, and I am looking forwards to being totally computer-free for a time.  THE BADD EGGS series is extremely easy to write for, proving once again that simplicity is often the key to funny drawings-----I will just  ration out the EGGS stuff to one-a-week, though---every single one of these has been a quick rough sketch, with no polished-looking finish, and that is how it will remain:  vitality over everything else. The Eggs also appear on a well-known social media site as we speak. I will notify readers here  only if exclusive...

Badd Eggs [13]

THERE IS  Historically-Repellent Characterization in this one: ------the human character is a bit off-putting as well. 

The Best Part of my Week

Here's a run-down [in no particular order] of the highlights of my [typical ] week...this is how I live!: DRAWING CARTOON ROUGH PENCILS HAVING A BEVVY GOING TO CINEMA PROJECTING FILMS AT HOME  HAVING A BATH COOKING DECENT GRUB FROM SCRATCH  LISTENING TO MUSIC THROUGH A 'PROPER' SYSTEM Assembling this blog is just a wee part of my lifestyle activities.  ----Dammit, that makes up my almost-entire total week! My life ain't too bad when I look at a list like this: however maybe the drawing of the actual pencil roughs is the top one-----or it's certainly pretty near the top. Here's a drawing done with paper/ 4H pencil HB pencil---I feel the only way to get spontaneity like this is to avoid computers altogether-------  my own personal preference.... LATER ON, AND WHOLLY SEPERATELY, computers can 'tart up' this sort of thing later: ---for me at least, this is all that is good about drawing, everything else is just the icing on the cake;

hi-rez archive piece

RECOVERED RECENTLY from my previous computer: a cartoon done for a forum that has turned up in the original higher-resolution format: in this form, unscreened anywhere until now. Only one  missing drawing [a piece on THE FLY] has yet to be added here. This item is a whopping 3500 pixels high in original format RABBO

Badd Eggs [12]

WHERE IDEAS COME FROM:  Part Two Here we see another BADD EGGS entry in which I have a tackled a brand-new idea-approach: this image is clearly inspired by the onstage antics of THE WHO, and especially Pete Townshend, who was notorious for this sort of expensive [?] onstage destruction of musical equipment. In my youth, I was an avid follower of then-current  pop/rock/  musical trends, and  it was either NME or SOUNDS that  ran a full-page advert about something to do with THE WHO, illustrated with a large picture of Townshend in the pose we see in this cartoon below: and that is exactly where I lifted this image from, --from a late-70s memory of a WHO Press Advert. So,' real life' memories and observations  can often result in this sort of imagery, many years later on down the line. I am sure I could get more mileage out of this gag approach: nobody else seems to be doing this sort of thing, or not that is obvious.  Regarding the Who: to me,  I f...

In Production [7]

A 'FIRST', for me, this one: ---quite remarkably, this is the first time I have ever attempted to draw the well-known 'Operatic Viking Woman who sings on stage' so well-known in stock character lore. I discovered the actual name of this type of character is 'Brunhilda', but this is not exactly a household-name concern---oh, well, here we are, anyway. Her appearence is that of a 'one-off ' personal sighting n just one of the upcoming strips---you should be able to work out the basic gist of the three frames just going by this. Raberto

Royalty Revenues

A REALLY NICE SURPRIZE THIS WEEK [out of the blue]; ---for the first time EVER, I am being paid for the same artwork again, all I have done this second time is to re-send the files [ different conversions] ......this method of payment ---as the same artwork is reused/adapted again----- is of course more akin to the use of Royalty Payments seen in the recording industry [at least before the music download revolution] and is most appreciated by myself.  The cartoon industry is notorious for just dishing out one-off payments per finished page/ image and THAT IS IT, so this one is a real good feeling. Naturally, you can only do this if you own/create original characters yourself: the big companies will always own the famous characters outright. I prefer the 'original character' route, there is more freedom in doing your own designs and ideas. I done custom artwork for a vehicle in late 2014: the same customers are expanding their business and are wanting to re-use my artwork for in...

Badd Eggs Part 11

MORE imaginative manipulation of the never-ending, endless-seeming EGGS theme, featuring the usual characters and sub-stooges. The 'raddi' of pain eminating from the egg-stooges  [the red lightning-like bolts] are directly  lifted from  a drawing technique frequently seen in   BULLY BEEF and CHIPS out of DANDY comic. THESE ROUGHER, QUICKER  DRAWINGS I DO like these seen here  are normally exempt from 'before-and - after' comparisons, but I reckon this particular example may be of interest. WHY DO I DRAW SOME BITS 'LARGER' LIKE THIS, THEN SHRINK THE LARGER ELEMENTS  DOWN;--------WHY BOTHER? ------ Basically, it's because I appreciate the difference in older-styled artwork, either in UK comics of the 50s-70s, or as  was used in the older cel animation of the 30s-50s, in which the artists drew to a larger scale, meaning they had more room to draw in and thus able to do a nicer job on the artwork. Since the early 80s,  most UK comics artists ...