Royalty Revenues

A REALLY NICE SURPRIZE THIS WEEK [out of the blue]; ---for the first time EVER, I am being paid for the same artwork again, all I have done this second time is to re-send the files [ different conversions] ......this method of payment ---as the same artwork is reused/adapted again----- is of course more akin to the use of Royalty Payments seen in the recording industry [at least before the music download revolution] and is most appreciated by myself.
 The cartoon industry is notorious for just dishing out one-off payments per finished page/ image and THAT IS IT, so this one is a real good feeling.

Naturally, you can only do this if you own/create original characters yourself: the big companies will always own the famous characters outright. I prefer the 'original character' route, there is more freedom in doing your own designs and ideas.

I done custom artwork for a vehicle in late 2014: the same customers are expanding their business and are wanting to re-use my artwork for interior building purposes.

So! As always, I try to hold on to all of my artwork elements---just in case.

Here are the larger-scale composites once again [some of these are unseen on here]:


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