Another Temporary Cease In Transmissions

I NEED A WEE BREAK AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER, readers: so I am stopping posting for a short while.

Loads of unseen/unfinished material still in the can,---probably in the lower hundreds, going by the size of the pile of paper------- so it's not exactly through a shortage of material.....I just prefer the REAL WORLD sometimes [a lot of the time, actually]....It will be a blessed relief to escape from pixels and endless computer options for a short time, and I am looking forwards to being totally computer-free for a time. 

THE BADD EGGS series is extremely easy to write for, proving once again that simplicity is often the key to funny drawings-----I will just  ration out the EGGS stuff to one-a-week, though---every single one of these has been a quick rough sketch, with no polished-looking finish, and that is how it will remain:  vitality over everything else. The Eggs also appear on a well-known social media site as we speak. I will notify readers here  only if exclusive material ends up over there. .....other than that, it's just reruns of stuff seen on here. 

Meanwhile, here's a wee character study of some of the beings that spring from my imagination. This is another example of how you can get away with a lot more if you come up with instantly-recognizable characters, it is much easier [in the long run] than having to keep thinking up strong gags almost every day, which is what many cartoonists choose to do-------this 'personality' route you see here means the cartoonist can simply draw the characters lounging about doing nothing in particular, other than hopefully looking cool and entertaining-------Disney specialized in this approach, as did Charles Schulz.

I will be back though.......



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