Salvaged Material [2]
I AM HAPPY TO REPORT I was able to find this long-lost [oh, alright, late 2014!] image I believed accidentally wiped from my previous desktop archives [this can happen if you are not careful]: anyway it turned up again last week and I am keen to add it on here.
This one was the foreground Veronica figure featured in a wide-angled, Wild West scene of all the Boomer characters, with rifles, pistols and bullets zinging all over the place. I stopped doing it after I thought I lost this element seen here.
The second image is another unfinished, unseen affair planned to be included within the same composite: a mostly bottled-ink rendition of two background representations of B.B. and Jet Blanc, still in pretty rough shape, but this is how my cartoons usually start off----all rough elements get removed after this stage.
The second image is another unfinished, unseen affair planned to be included within the same composite: a mostly bottled-ink rendition of two background representations of B.B. and Jet Blanc, still in pretty rough shape, but this is how my cartoons usually start off----all rough elements get removed after this stage.
I am confident that these images have never appeared on the web in any form, until now.
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