[French] Fancy That
I AM SOMETIMES ACCUSED OF BEING 'mildly racist' after I declared I will never put depictions of overseas people into my cartoons: but really, this is just a typical kneejerk reaction from hotheaded cynics who take a lot of statements the wrong way, on belly-aching forums where some members have nothing better to do with their time other than try and bring others down.
IT IS TRUE that I am openly anti-Political Correctness, I believe that PC started off well-meaning, but it has created a situation where EXTREME anti-PC lobbyists like Donald Trump are in the running to rule over a powerful modern State: I will leave you to make up your own particular deductions from such a scenario.
Anyway, I do in fact mix with overseas folks and treat them just the same as I do the Brits: in fact here is a cartoon I just done for a fellow artist: no prizes for guessing which nation she originates from:
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