
YET ANOTHER in my seemingly endless variations on imagery of my cat-babe character VERONICA, here we see her for a second time in her fetching A CLOCKWORK ORANGE garb-clobber, she looks slightly devious in this pose, but nothing too off-putting, I hope.

The 1971 film that inspired this drawing has been a big part of my life: I lived through the long ban [over 25 years] the film suffered from 1973 onwards. This is easily my fave-rave cult picture of all time [a mainstream studio like Warner Bros putting out a film about British Bootboys  and  set in the future, made by a 'serious' director: this was unchartered territory, indeed!] the bizarre costumes/ grotesque production design/ bad-dream quality of the first 40 minutes especially is a nightmarish tour-de-force, and although this film is most certainly not a 'pleasant watch' it is unique stuff indeed, very unlike the usual assembly-line fodder usually put out by the big studios.

There is a lot of definitely dodgy,  mindless sadism and dubious exploitation of women in this film, it is really quite unsavory in the opening scenes especially, and the last two-thirds of the running time changes gear deliberately and drags and lags really badly by today's standards.

That central character of Alex is one of the all-time most effective screen baddies in my view, however.

Great soaring use of  music in this film, that complement/counterpoint the many repellent shots seen onscreen.

A very unlikable film, but I still  love it's absolute uniqueness.

Not my all-time fave rave film, but my cult fave by a long chalk.


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