THE FLY: Alternate Take

WHEN I FIRST STARTED using digital alterations to my cartoons, I was satisfied with just coloring in basic images: in the early days, this was achievement enough....human nature being what it is, of course, means experience and confidence usually results in trying out ever-more ambitious images, and most recently I have been mucking about with different background plates, often adapted from the same image.

I done TWO seperate character poses of scientist-gal HELLEYNE, as I fancied putting in a Tex Avery-like 'take' for her reaction to the vast Mega-Fly emerging from the Teleporter [wouldn't YOU act surprized at such an outcome?!] so I  done a seperate composite, with 'cooler' background colors.

The entire background plate images are also recorded here.

BOTTOM IMAGE: the entire background elements were simply sketched, half-size, on the bottom half of a scrap of used A4 paper---in fact, I often get two different background elements on the one sheet, as seen here. It somehow seems easier to draw the backgrounds as thumbnails, then blow them up later--it's a lot more fun, as well!

There is a Helluva lot of pretentious nonsense spread around by some snooty cartoonists, who claim you 'need expensive gear to do this'-----this site PROVES OTHERWISE

I am using ancient tools...some were purchased in the 20th Century!--------- and free coloring programs:  these images cost me literally SOD ALL, other than my time and the electricity used to power the computer. DON 'T LISTEN to disreputable  pseudo-elitists * who are trying to con you!!!!

Rab/ Rob/  Robbo /Roberto



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