odds and-------oh, sod it.

More storage of my  silly artwork: seen in bits and pieces like this, they are somewhat reminiscent of the cut-out approach used by Tezza Gilliam in his Monty Python TV animations.

FLYING BIRDS ; I am happy to draw them, however, attempting to add these at 'actual size' I find pretty difficult---just so little room to work in------ so I almost always draw them larger,  then shrink 'em down: minute-scale birds never seem to come out very satisfactory otherwise. Most other subjects I don't have this problem with, but feathered boids are especially delicate.

ALSO REVEALED:     how I edit below-par character poses, and still use them,  without throwing away the entire drawing!!!!!  See cat on spike for an example of this: this approach is  used sparingly, not frequently, I may add!!!!!!


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