New York Stories [3]

I STILL KEEP FINDING previously-unseen cartoon sketches I knocked out quickly in the USA: 

----------here's a drawing I donated [the original paper drawing, that is, all that remains of the image is this compact camera snap] to an older female schoolteacher I met in the canteen. If someone shows real interest in what I am doing with my cartoons, I will often just give them the real sketch...the lady was in New York for cancer treatment, another reason to help her out.

Picture 2: me with another of the residents in Queens---the same common room where I done this cartoon: a good friend over a too-brief period.

 I have took a fair bit of criticism for refusing to draw 'overseas people' --- sadly, I feel it is  far too much bother to deal with  in todays' 'easily-offended' Political Correctness Climate,---doing silly drawings of people from abroad----------  paranoid, over-analyzed,  over-touchy P.C. is a facet of society I personally do not enjoy and would much rather completely avoid, and so I absolutely NEVER , EVER do cartoons of foreigners-------but here is proof that I do in fact mix with folks from abroad.

If I were racist, I would openly say so...............I like nice UK folks but do not like UK prats...same goes for anyone else  from anywhere on this Planet.

There are decent people and  also worthless prats from every nation on Earth, no matter what color their skin may be.


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