
Showing posts from January, 2016

1989 [9]

GROSS-GUS:     ------ A   PSYCHOTRONIC CARTOON BELOW ,   I dredge up one of my more off-putting drawings from my REPELLENT Period:  in the mid-late 80s and a bit beyond, some of my cartoons had a definite over-striking ambience to them--if I took a drawing like this along to D C Thomson---who own this character of GRIZZLY GUS----they would have been   rightly appalled and would have equally  quite rightly rejected it outright. [ It was never submitted to them, and this cartoon has languished in my files, unseen, for a quarter of a Century]. Great fun for me to draw, though, if far from commercially sellable. My artwork had a bit of a reputation as being 'agressive' by a few editors who critiqued my stuff, and this one is a prime example. My style of drawing is stil a bit aggressive at times, but much of it has toned down a good deal since the late 80s. GRIZZLY GUS character is copyright of D C THOMSON and Co LTD, 2016.

Archive Quickie

AT PRESENT, this site has devolved into a sort of 'cartoon morgue' in which I keep adding on ancient obscurities I keep unearthing whilst rifling through my endless reams of paper. Brand-new cartoon material is on the way, and will be winging towards you before too long. Here is another fairly low-key entry from a whopping eight years ago: sure doesn't seem like it: the cast of characters look a little less defined that today's stuff, but this is only natural. Love the el-natural phenomenon like the fibres seen on the paper: such a nice change from todays' sterile digital 'toons.


THE FOLLOWING large piece ---written by myself, as per usual---represents something of a 'first' within this site, as it is the very first---and more than likely very last-------example of a previously-screened, 'cut-and-paste' job, it having first appeared on the AMAZON USA site, [in fact it still exists on there]: Cartooning is a cool and fun part of life and there are lots of decent folks involved in the game---but there is no doubt there is a fair few dodgy cartoonists and contrbutors out there, also.........I have most certainly encountered untrustworthy and disreputable 'professionals' within the business. I often recount on here  about good artists who have advanced the art of cartooning, but also  about the awful scenarios within the cartoon community -------there is loads on this subject within these postings-------- however the horrendous experience I encountered in a cel-animation studio owned by Amblin Entertainment and run by one Mr Steven Hickner r...

New York Stories [3]

I STILL KEEP FINDING previously-unseen cartoon sketches I knocked out quickly in the USA:  ----------here's a drawing I donated [the original paper drawing, that is, all that remains of the image is this compact camera snap] to an older female schoolteacher I met in the canteen. If someone shows real interest in what I am doing with my cartoons, I will often just give them the real sketch...the lady was in New York for cancer treatment, another reason to help her out. Picture 2: me with another of the residents in Queens---the same common room where I done this cartoon: a good friend over a too-brief period.  I have took a fair bit of criticism for refusing to draw 'overseas people' --- sadly, I feel it is  far too much bother to deal with  in todays' 'easily-offended' Political Correctness Climate,---doing silly drawings of people from abroad----------  paranoid, over-analyzed,  over-touchy P.C. is a facet of society I personally do not enjoy and would muc...

New York Stories [2]

HERE WE SEE a 'lost' quick cartoon rough done during my two months in the USA over the winter of 2014-15. The digs in Queens,  New York  I was staying in had a huge kitchen/common room, and I often went down there at nights to mix with the 'natives': On my final evening there,  I drank several cans of local beer, watched punk clips like the Pistols and Damned on a tablet and sometimes started to sketch, which often  broke the ice with strangers..........much better than waffling with anti-social prats on dodgy cartoon sites!! I was half-boozy when I drew this almost-forgotten sketch, but it turned out OK. The two ladies seen in picture Two saw me draw this, they were very sociable, [can't recall their names sadly] and they will have no idea they are guest-starring on my blog:  I correctly guessed the foreground lass was born in 1987, I got her fiends' age wrong, though.

1989 [8]

yes, yes, yes, readers,------I am well aware that a lot of the more recent additions to this site are mostly made up of many vintage images, but never fear, I am definitely working away at brand-new cartoon material: it's just that I can't show the new stuff just yet for reasons that will be made clear later. In the meantime, here is a representation of vampire characters I pushed [to no great success, alas] during the late 80s and very early 90s:

1989 [7]

THE ARCHIVE CARTOON MATERIAL from the very late 80s just keeps on coming: -------my drawings were often described as fairly 'aggressive-looking' by much and sundry back then, and this almost-finished BRITISH BOOTBOY theme sure fits that criteria nicely. Love that excessive detail on the Dr Martens boot-tread!  Enjoi.............

1989 [6]

MORE PREVIOUSLY UNSEEN CARTOONS from the 20th Century: Stylized to my own poisonal taste............ GRIZZLY GUS, TED BEAR, LITTLE PLUM and MINNIE the MINX all copyright of D C Thomson and Co LTD

1989 [5]

HERE WE SEE yet more archive material from 27 years hence, unearthed for the first-time ever in public: this stuff was done during my 'notorious' 'over-done' period, when I done extensive detail to lots of my drawings: I assume this one seen below was a FRANKENSTEIN'S MONSTER- inspired effort, he seems to be enduring a sort of lethal electrical current in this wee piccie.

Future Features

OR:   'get Your TWO-ZERO-ONE-SIX!'  [2016]  In the Golden Summer of 1978, John Lydon was busy assembling and rehearsing with his new post-Pistols, post-Punk musical outfit, and was searching for a suitable, radical new name for his new group: he eventually settled upon PUBLIC IMAGE LIMITED [ PIL ] : however, much mirth and amusement was engendered by some of the none-too-serious earlier considerations for the band name: these included the lamentably unused THE CARNIVOROUS BUTTOCK-FLIES   and , notoriously, the ROYAL FAMILY ! For the purposes of this blog, I needed a decent title-heading for this posting, and so I have dredged up---and half-inched----yet another early name consideration for Lydons' second professional band, namely the FUTURE FEATURES. So basically, here is an account of what is in preperation for the upcoming New Year within this site:   BABY BOOMER: new directions:    no dramatic character-changes for the four main players ...