1989 [9]

GROSS-GUS: ------ A PSYCHOTRONIC CARTOON BELOW , I dredge up one of my more off-putting drawings from my REPELLENT Period: in the mid-late 80s and a bit beyond, some of my cartoons had a definite over-striking ambience to them--if I took a drawing like this along to D C Thomson---who own this character of GRIZZLY GUS----they would have been rightly appalled and would have equally quite rightly rejected it outright. [ It was never submitted to them, and this cartoon has languished in my files, unseen, for a quarter of a Century]. Great fun for me to draw, though, if far from commercially sellable. My artwork had a bit of a reputation as being 'agressive' by a few editors who critiqued my stuff, and this one is a prime example. My style of drawing is stil a bit aggressive at times, but much of it has toned down a good deal since the late 80s. GRIZZLY GUS character is copyright of D C THOMSON and Co LTD, 2016.