The 'Daily Sketch' [4] [ a Widescreen Classic]

The latest entry in my series of quick rough sketches centers around the BOOMER gang intending to mete out justice as they see it, a result of their creator being 'wronged' in their eyes.......

Another cameo appearance from arch-villian HACK OBNOX ---and also we see the first glimpse of cat-babe Veronica in her slinky cat-suit for quite a while.

The 'hardest' satirical stuff of mines can be seen in these DAILY SKETCH offerings: I invest more time doing the more, polished, commercial stuff---but these satire-jobs are all part and parcel of cartunery.

About this cartoon:

The 'Hey, Mac!' reference is, of course, a direct lift from Mel Blanc 'doing' Bugs Bunny:

On the subject of seated daubist  Hack Obnox seen below--well, I have said really all I need to say on this aspect: no need to keep going over old ground ad-nauseum.... the concept of Hack is great for a stooge-character, though: easy to draw----strictly a second-string character but fine for supporting fare.

The finished rough seen here is very much of a 'picture paints a thousand words' approach, which strikes harder than any endless moaning in text form...much more fun as well.

Great source material for satire, to boot!



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