BOOMER Obscurities---early hand-painted cover

I have located---through looking through my reams and reams of cartoon drawings--------some hithero unseen, early test BABY BOOMER material, done in the very early days, when I was just knocking the B.B. concept into shape.

These works were done before I even owned a computer, let alone learned how to use a Digital Color Program! I had actually long-forgotten about some of these items, but I am happy to add them for the sake of 'completeness' and of course, it is hopefully  interesting to see how  the artwork has evolved since the very early trial days.

This item is certainly the first-ever, hand-drawn and painted------that is: everything was done using natural methods, onto paper using brushes and paint out of a pot----illustration seen on this archive:  and to be honest this material and method was a lot more fun to work on, as it is no secret that I sometimes find computers a real pain.

Just check out the wholly ORGANIC PORES and WHOLLY NATURAL TECHNIQUE in this sucker, especially when zoomed into!

Whatever the crudities of the execution seen here, you can practically feel the daubs of REAL PAINT oozing through the screen here: also revealed: how cat-babe VERONICA originally appeared more in scale with the rest of the cast.

Garish color, to be sure, this was me attempting to produce a full-color cover for strip samples to show to syndicates.

An early work perhaps not quite ready for submission: it has been wise to hold back while my approach to cartoon art has improved this past few years......

An intruiging early obscurity, [I can't give even a rough year on this one!] however I am sure I could do such an image a lot more skilfully today, after taking up modern computer-malarkey



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