
Showing posts from November, 2015

The 'Daily Sketch' [4] [ a Widescreen Classic]

The latest entry in my series of quick rough sketches centers around the BOOMER gang intending to mete out justice as they see it, a result of their creator being 'wronged' in their eyes....... Another cameo appearance from arch-villian HACK OBNOX ---and also we see the first glimpse of cat-babe Veronica in her slinky cat-suit for quite a while. The 'hardest' satirical stuff of mines can be seen in these DAILY SKETCH offerings: I invest more time doing the more, polished, commercial stuff---but these satire-jobs are all part and parcel of cartunery. About this cartoon: The 'Hey, Mac!' reference is, of course, a direct lift from Mel Blanc 'doing' Bugs Bunny: On the subject of seated daubist  Hack Obnox seen below--well, I have said really all I need to say on this aspect: no need to keep going over old ground ad-nauseum.... the concept of Hack is great for a stooge-character, though: easy to draw----strictly a second-string character but fine for supporti...


HERE WE SEE Part One of a rough cartoon sketch I am putting together under my DAILY SKETCH banner:   See what my Satirical  sub-stooge character HACK OBNOX is reacting to----next outing. This site is now set to MATURE/ADULT content, which means material like the image screened here should be legally acceptable with further 'looser censorship'being imminent.................yes, I do my homework! Much commercial cartoons will also follow: I'm not suddenly 'going adult',  I am just covering my a** regarding the stronger material which will appear on occassion Ratings now 2500 a month so SOMEBODY must be looking at this, the  big-business-backed  DANDY only sold 7000 copies weakly at the bitter end! The images deemed 'censored' by me should revert to their original state soon. ROB/ RAB/ ROBBO 

'Purty Goils' [2]

HERE WE SEE the finished, polished version of the Veronica facial-close-up I screened in rough form about 2 weeks  ago: Drawings like this require much more concentration and discipline than most 'straight' or all-out cartoon subjects, just one false move on a drawing like this, and you can have a real mess on your hands.... ------- HOW SO? ----------- Myself, I reckon that this is because the subject of attractive women means the artist has fewer lines to work with, which means that every single line has to be just right, which takes far more artistic skill than swamping everything in detail, which can be done with most other tricky subjects to draw. Anyway I well remember countless attempts at trying to crack this theme in my early 20s: it took a lot of perseverence, and although I am not nearly as good as some top 'girlie' artists [check out some of the speed-paintings on youtube, for the absolute Masters on this] , I have drawn thousands of women poses in my time so...

Ballet-Toon bits-n-bobs

Once again, we see closer detail in the artwork components, as revealed in the previous BALLET post. MUCHOS MORE NEW MATERIAL ON THE WAY......

Adultoons [2]

IT HAS TAKEN quite a while for me to get around to exhibiting more in my ADULTOONS series: this is only the second serving, and like many other cartoons this was drawn in original form by me many months ago, probably around Spring 2015. It is taking me longer and longer to get through my backlog of unseen material: a lot of this stuff I am keen to show but because I keep adding brand new material almost every day to my pile of drawings, the end result  of this is that there is a long 'waiting queue' .......I could show new sketches every day of course, but I like to add in some polished stuff---which takes a lot longer-----as in the case seen here------ A   SLIGHTLY RUDE drawing, this one, but nothing really unprintable: a lot of the humor is contained in a 'what-will-happen-within-the-Next-Few -Seconds' framework, which is more restrained than showing actual physical contact, which is still tabboo in a lot of cases. I shamelessly admit to watching films like the vintag...

The 'Daily Sketch' [3]

YET ANOTHER NEW ENTRY in my occassional series covering satirical drawings of 'dodgy' [in my view and experience] cartoonists out there in the real World. This next subject may be recognizable to those 'in the know' through the 'rocketized pillar box' element: great subject for a cartoon: a lot of good mileage in that one. I do not really want to say a lot about the 'target' [ target in more ways than one here] seen below, other than I do not especially think this gentleman  is a very good artist...let's just leave it at that. EDITED VERSION:   the two sheep in the foreground originally had dialog a bit too explicit  to relate to here: I have, however, kept the uncensored version in cold storage, perhaps to be unearthed in the future...... Ratings figures on here are at the highest-ever level: over 2000 a month, so thanks to everyone tuning in, especially the regulars. Anyway, feast your eyes upon; 'TORY CRIMES'  Bad Day:  

The 'Daily Sketch' : [2]

THIS NEXT item is very likely my most striking-ever cartoon done on this site thus far: it is  the first  recent 'brand-new' illustration of the FLY-MAN Andre, dreamed up/ dredged up by me just yesterday---this was drawn extremely quickly, and I just knew I 'hit the jackpot' on this one  [putting down what I saw in my imagination, that is] within a mere few seconds of starting the cartoon. A pretty vicious, off-putting work that hits like the proverbial sledgehammer, I have left this one deliberately in a rough state, as this mini-series THE DAILY SKETCH is concocted as merely an outlet for some of my  more spontaneous, quicko-ideas, it is also a great way of producing new cartoons regularly: a fine change from spending a long time on the more polished stuff. So--is HACK OBNOX---the mewling victim represented here in the clutch of the Fly-Man------ a reference to anyone extant in the 'real world'? ----Well: it's possible..... Let's just say that everythi...

The FLY Papers [3]

THE THIRD FLY rough drawing sees the concept taking up shape: if it is still a bit rough-around-the-edges, at this early stage. The action has moved into the domain of the scientists' experimental laboratory---the location he fused into  half-man-part fly,  using his unfortunate experiments. This is all directly lifted from the 1958 20th Century Fox lurid live-action schlocker  THE FLY , of course, and the Morbid tone of the nightmarish events center mostly around this locale. We also see the first-ever appearence of the tiny Fly-Man here as well. The absolute  original core rough sketch of this can be seen below: this image was shown before on a cartoon site, however it can finally be seen in KLEER-O-VISION  : that is: blown up to a decent resolution, /scanned in properly/ and with basic colors added for 'atmospheric effect'. Last time this was shown in public anywhere, I just beamed them into a site using a basic tablet camera!  [ it was surprizingly effe...

BOOMER Obscurities---early hand-painted cover

I have located---through looking through my reams and reams of cartoon drawings--------some hithero unseen, early test BABY BOOMER material, done in the very early days, when I was just knocking the B.B. concept into shape. These works were done before I even owned a computer, let alone learned how to use a Digital Color Program! I had actually long-forgotten about some of these items, but I am happy to add them for the sake of 'completeness' and of course, it is hopefully  interesting to see how  the artwork has evolved since the very early trial days. This item is certainly the first-ever, hand-drawn and painted------ that is: everything was done using natural methods, onto paper using brushes and paint out of a pot----illustration seen on this archive:  and to be honest this material and method was a lot more fun to work on, as it is no secret that I sometimes find computers a real pain. Just check out the wholly ORGANIC PORES and WHOLLY NATURAL TECHNIQUE in this sucke...

The FLY Papers: [2]:

HERE WE SEE the second-ever FLY sketch I done, another quick drawing I churned out in a few minutes. This is still a long way short of what the FLY looks like today, but this one is an improvement on the very first sketch,  and it points ahead to the Fly-Man character as he looks nowadays. The Teleporter reference would perhaps be lost on some readers: 'What the Hells' a TELEPORTER?' ---- so the reader really needs a wee bit of knowledge on 50s sci-fi films. Anyway, I started up a thread about my new sketches and added them onto a  cartoon site we shall call MAGGIE THATCHERS' STARCHED UNDIES: and the comments starting coming in: the early ones I remember were weak attempts at sarcasm, the details of which I long forget, which was not  nearly enough to deter me from drawing. [ nobody has EVER managed to deter me from drawing]  This other cartoonist came on with his comments -------he was a gag cartoonist for the satire mags, who done color gags and I liked his stuff, ...

Subjects that are Difficult to Draw: Purty Goils

I AM DEVOTING  a detailed posting on the subject of themes that many artists find tricky-to-draw: ---this next one is more than likely THE PRIME EXAMPLE: the Universal Subject of 'attractive young women' : a theme that is understandably one of the most appealing subjects around to many artists [male and female alike, that is] : but the reality here is that MANY artists---including many undoubtedly very  talented people--------are just not that good at tackling this subject at all: and indeed a great many perfectly good and talented artists---professional and gifted amateur alike-------deliberately AVOID this subject altogether........ For Example; many  cartoon-art enthusiasts reckon that the comics Legend Ken Reid [artist of Jonah/ Faceache/ Frankie Stein and many others during the height of creativity in British Comics] was the absolute best -ever comics artist in the UK...and possibly even the World! [it IS  possible, in my view] ---but even HE freely admitted th...

The FLY Papers: [1]

IT IS almost a year since I started the FLY concept: the very first rough sketches of this material were struck in early December, 2014. At that time, I was miles away from home on holiday: I used to get up early for breakfast and do a new spontaneous sketch every morning,  before I went out sight-seeing. Back then I only had a low-tech camera on a tablet device, so I photographed the sketches and started beaming them into a site we shall call  THE MOST AWFUL CARTOONIST FORUM IN BRITAIN ----- someone on that forum--I forget who, but they seemed to be one of the more decent Members--------------------suggested I try out something 'completely new' which I was happy to take up: it had been a good while since I even attempted something 'brand new'..........after a few abortive sketches of random subjects like Cavemen and Robots, I tried something completely unknown and un-tried from my perspective:     gags about FLIES. The very first effort on this can be seen below: he...

Pistols Proper-Gander

THE VARIOUS ELEMENTS used to put together the recent Sid and Johnny caricature:  ------includes a look at the ripped Union Jack before 'blurring out' into infinity: also an unused background test: this was deemed unsuitable for use...however this first experimental use of ' SOLID COLOR' a newly-discovered-by-me option on GIMP  bodes well for the future:  this looks fine for  for doing indistinct  skies, etc. Can't wait to try this out further...... Also contains a close view of the two punk-head drawings. Sorry if this seems like a barrel-scraping excercize, but I find this archive very handy for storing artwork as another back-up---it usually all gets transferred to disk as well, of course. Muchos New Material is well under way: I gotta Million of 'em, dahlink!! trivia corner: the term 'Pistols Proper-Gander' is culled from a circa 1980 Pistols single put out by Virgin, perhaps 'Stepping Stone':   it dates from the dodgy SWINDLE era, after Lydon...

Sid -n- Johnny

CARICATURE:  I never really pursued it very vigorously-------as I get older, I get further and further removed from 'celebrity culture'------it does nothing for me: I just cannot be annoyed keeping up with current trends or 'who is meant to be famous'...I have long realized it is a waste of precious time, following this un-neccessarry  dross. I steer well clear of it. I am no Andy Warhol fan, but his observation about 'everyone in the future being famous for 14 or soforth minutes' was absolutely spot-on: the  only thing is, every Tom, Dick or Harriet can now  become 'famous' through the recent Internet is not exactly Presley/ Sinatra/ Beatles /Mohammed Ali - level fame we are witnessing anymore, is  often cheap and talentless stuff, in a lot of cases, as witnessed on dodgy 21st-Century TV. Still, in my earlier years, certain folks gained access to the Media-waves and gained a lot of my attention: music-wise, the pop ...