Mister Men Pastiche

One of the more reputable cartoonist-sites is running a 'create-yer-own-MISTER MEN-character-tomfoolery' theme, and here's my very straightforwards entry:

I wasn't too sure about this to begin with [ I have never been one for copying the styles of other artists rigidly, and even here I think my unique way of drawing still shows through] but great fun nevertheless, and it has proved a quick and easy way of getting effective results.

Some subversive MISTER MEN will be forthcoming at some pint, when time allows, etc, etc........

---Anyway, the more I submerge myself into drawing, the more I realize that simpler drawings like PEANUTS or indeed the MISTER MEN indeed take a fair bit of skill because many cartoonists---including me------hide everything in endless detail, which in some ways is a cop-out.

Simpler, fewer  lines to draw with requires  DEFINITE SKILL to do effectively and I appreciate this a lot more these days.

Anyhow------here, looking very much like vintage IPC comic WHIZZER and CHIPS character ODD-BALL by Tezza Bave, is:

      ------------MISTER BLISTER:   


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