A Temporary Cease in Transmissions

I would love to just sit here and draw, day after day--and in fact I manage to do this for the most part, belting stuff out quickly, early most mornings......real-life responsibilities get in the way sometimes, of course, and I have to attend to family matters over the next few days, which will take my full attention, so no more drawing for a few days , I have to report.

These transmissions will continue again  before too long, though: I have well over 100 unseen cartoons to  still place on here, with ongoing brand-new  material struck up most days...but not so,  for the next few days.

I try to keep this blog regular-as-clockwork but transmissions will cease for a wee,  wee while.

Do look in again soon, though: this work has only just begun.....

Planned for the near-future:

                                             THE FLY


                                      CARICATURE STUFF

                            THOSE SAVAGE YOUNG TOONS

                        D C THOMSON CARTOONIST OVERVIEWS 

                           THE BABY BOOMER MOB.........amongst udder stuff.



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