Magic Bus Composite-elements

I am archiving various stages from the MAGIC BUS e-book project I turned out around 2012: these were among my first successful attempts at compositing....before this, everything I drew was at the same scale on the same sheet of paper [usually A4 sized] which is certainly possible, but can sometimes be quite limiting.

The use of compositing has changed the approach of my cartoon endeavors forever; yes sometimes it can take a great deal longer [mair 'scuttering aboot', as we say here in Jock-Land] but you are guaranteed a much more professional lustrous finish to the finished items.

Great to have all this stuff cataloged together in one place at last: the characters and imagination here, of course, spring from author Tara Maloney, who very nicely gave a me a great deal of freedom to draw as I pleased......a great assignment, doing storybook material such as this.

ALL CHARACTERS AND CONCEPT:  Copyright Tara Maloney 2015


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