Altered States

TODAY'S ENTRY sees more digitally-altered material, illustrating just how often this aspect of manipulation is in use these days: the first drawing with the construction worker atop the steel girder shows how you can get reasonable results from a routine or unremarkable original sketch.

The early rough was pretty basic, but after tinkering, shrinking and re-compositing, the end results can be much more effective. It is entirely possible to get a usable cartoon from a routine source, although clearly, decent ideas  in the first place will be always be  an advantage.

Some of these examples seen below have already been seen elsewhere on the web, but here a 'loving color' version in hi-rez can be viddied for the first time.

Also contains dramatic, as well as subtle, use of image scaling [the chicken illustrations] . The ability to rescale images is a great de-cluttering device that can open up more space which is more pleasing to the eye---the cartoonist also benefits from being able to draw in a larger scale, which is easier and usually gives better results---I now use this all the time.

PLATE ONE: an old drawing just colored

PLATE TWO:    the sketch after mucking about with scale

PLATE THREE: the original, unremarkable, sketch done in ink.


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