Today's offering comes courtesy of my embryonic Medievel Worldes series, with no less than the Hunchback/Quasimodo putting in a guest appearance........ This image is the first in a 'new' technique I am utilizing, in which seperate composites are overlaid on top of a rough but accurate pencil-sketch background: [ in this first case, the floorline/background wall stone placement/ the framing of the large window] : up until now, I was either 'dropping in' a wholly seperate background [a bit hit and miss, that one: you can\t move the characters around the same] . or doing a 'cut-out' of the characters, which offers greater freedom, but can be pretty time-consuming]... Using this 'new' approach of more accurate pencil layouts, I can alter the various character elements for a hopefully more pleasing composition. This method gives me a more 'airy', spaced-out result , not possible if I were to draw all this on one A4 sheet; all I require for this...