Logo A-Go-Go [2]: S.H.I.E.L.D.

OK, Don't say that I don't serve you up diversity, readers!:

My earliest successes using digital color involved creating cartoon logos [see earlier entries on here, circa 2011] and so after a long absence on this score, I have returned with this all-new satirical version......clearly based on a very well-known major movie studio logo [no, not 20th Century Fox!] 

No reference pictures of any kind were involved in creating this, I am happy to report---also proof, if it were ever needed, that you do not need expensive gear to do imagery like this------all I used here was:

recycled sheet of A4 paper [cost: zilch]

ancient 4H pencil, the same one I have created hundreds of drawings with


FREE GIMP digital manipulation service: does over 90 per cent of what Photoshop does 

-The only 'real' cost was the electricity required to power the computer.

Plate One:   the finito version

Plate two: the basic design after correction and cleanup

Plate Three:   The original sketch without which none of the above would have been possible. The letter 'S' is the hardest of the alphabet to get right, hence the replacement struck here.


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