Winter Blitz: final unseen cartoon

It is with some relief that I have finally got around to adding in the last \worthwhile' quicko 'toon that I zipped out in a mega-batch of unbridled creativity, during my trip to the USA over the winter of 2014/15.

I think this last 'Robot' themed item was done in Boston, but I ain't 100 per cent sure: seeing this is the last of these unseen sketches, I have altered the scale to better proportions, and added in a new feline  fizzog, as I felt there was a decent idea in there, it just needed to be chivvied up a bit.

Some 'pop-art' color has also been liberally applied to the altered sketch.

There are two remaining unseen 'toons from this hyper-driven period,---also involving Robots---but they are not that good quality,  and I have deemed them unworthy of inclusion within this archive.

The existing  early FLY sketches [seen elsewhere in lo-rez form, but not yet on here] -----also hatched during this high-yielding  Winter period--------will be cleaned up and basically colored---at three-times resolution--------and added into this site at some point.

But at the moment, I am keener to reveal newer FLY material, which is fairly abundant and sitting right here on my desk, as yet unseen by the World at Large.

Plate One;       the altered artwork, with improved proportions and composition

Plate  Two:     the original quick sketch, flaws and all.

Plate Three:     the revised robot head of Veronica [robo-version]----and, er, 'other' elements [!]  hewn large before shrinking and inserted as a new overlay. Technical. eh?!


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