B.B.Q.: Baby Boomer Quickie

Here we see BB looking like a 'toff' [British term] or a 'swell' [American term] in this natty li'i ole character study: I am unashamedly anti-P.C. and so I like to slip in a wholly irresponsible image now and again, like the Babular One seen here enjoying a smokin' cigar.. I do not smoke myself but I think smoking looks cool in cartoons---shame this sort of thing is largely tabboo in most publications for the mass media nowadays.... This drawing also contains another 'first': BB has 'baby-blue' eyes here, which has turned out OK, after his years of 'black inkspot' eyes---ah, the march of progress! Plate One: the finished color toon Plate Two: the color character and elements awaiting rearranging Plate Three: the original ballpoint drawing, complete with tear in top-right side of paper---I use recycled paper to great effect.