Why LESS is often MORE.........

In my 20s, my cartoon artwork was hyper-detailed, to the point where it was quite tiring just to look at it , let alone the pain and labor involved in me putting together such over-elaborate work---it was as 'busy' as Medievel Illuminated Bordering, and I just could not help myself, this was the Natural Way I drew back then.

Happily, today I much prefer just belting stuff out much more quickly,---it's much more fun and relaxed------- although, clearly, I love the challenge of putting together some  fairly elaborate works amongst my stuff.

Here you will see a couple of cartoons I belted out really quickly: just a few minutes each,  [ the pencil designs, that is: it is the compu-embellishments added later that is time-consuming]   I crave simplicity that is often more direct for the person looking at the drawing.........this BABY BOOMER design [s]  seen below  is for my nephew, Harry, who as a babe was and is the actual inspiration for B.B. himself, and it was he who requested this tattoo design.

Sorry:  Hazzo is  velhelmently anti-publicity, and he refuses to be photographed: I only have pictures of him holding his hand up to the camera-lens most defensively, [I'm not joking!] however I am on a quest to locate a photograph of him as an actual baby, and put it on this blog, so that the real-life inspiration for B.B. can be revealed, to anyone who may be interested.

However! If this tattoo goes ahead [and Hazzo does seem pretty keen on this, he keeps bombarding me with 'phone-calls and deadlines] , I am sure he will provide me with visual data of the tattooed design of the Boomeresque Being.

I will be back to edit in any photos of the tattoo if it actually transpires........

Plate one: the colored first tattoo draft

Plate two:  second draft


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