Unseen FLY sketches

THE FLY started life as a dozen or so rough sketches, churned out quickly, using  only an old  4H pencil, ballpoint pen and recycled A4 paper.

The first ten or so ruffs have already been seen in public, however there are three unseen [until now] images done over Dec 2014/ Jan 15 that  I want to archive here.......I thought they were just as valid as the others at the time, and were left out of the public arena for all sort of other reasons, but here they be noo, anyhoo.......

I cleaned these up slightly, adding some nominal color, leaving the basic 'roughness' of these sketches in, as I feel they contain a lot of pretty cool spontanaeity [or summat ].....

THE FLY has now graduated to the full-color concept drawing stage, and quite a few of these are in preperation as we squeak.

The next flyworks are more nicely rendered ; however these early sketches illustrated here  were paramount [or should that be 20th Century Fox ?] in laying the spadework for this concept, and that is why they are featured here....


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