CCGB public forum cartoon

Read the comments added below for an insight into my disastrous time at a well-known cartoon forum.


  1. Oh dear. Should Al, Colin and I be thinking of following suit?


    1. Hiya Andy--I vaguely know your name, but honestly I am not 100 per cent sure who Al and Colin are! [not joking!]

    2. Robert, the CCGB did NOT ban you You were banned from a Public Forum for claiming other members were copying your style and refusing, over a period of many months, to either justify or withdraw you claim. The CCGB website has no connection to the forum you are banned from, so please cease your rants about the club.

    3. Robert, I see you've been editing your posts again, after people have replied .Much as you did on the Public Forum. Your 'little Hitlers' comment is disgraceful. Many public forum members, including full-time professional cartoonists, gave of their valuable time to try to help and advise you. Not only did they receive no thanks, but their comments were described by you as 'negativity.' You don't want to listen to genuine criticism, you just want to hear praise for your work. Well, you get plenty of that from yourself. Your comments here are a complete fabrication and I urge anyone reading them to visit the Public Forum and read your, 'most popular thread' at where they can see for themselves what the forum moderators (NOT the CCGB) had to put up with before finally banning you after trying to reason with you for many months.

  2. Robert has NOT been banned from the CCGB because he is not a member. The ban applies to a Public Forum which is hosted by the Cartoonists' Club as a resource for both members and non members, but has otherwise no connection whatsoever with the CCGB. The ban was placed by the Public Forum moderators, who are not all members of the club.

    1. OK, now I have had time to reflect on this, I have removed all negative comments made by me against Noels' site [he is a senior Moderator there, and a very good cartoonist of 40 years] , just in case my former Moderators on the CCGB forum choose to return here to see my statements [there are no other references by me on this matter elsewhere on the Web] Basically, I never really enjoyed the atmosphere on the CCGB forum: I felt there was a lot of unwarranted negativity aimed at me there, right from the outset in 2008. In a way, it is a relief to be free of the site: I used to go on and post drawings, then just clear off without reading the replies, because they were always so cynical or off-putting. This is the sole reason I had no knowledge there were considerable efforts by Moderators for me to retract a statement I supposedly made, claiming others on the site were 'copying my style'. . I made no such utterance and challenge anyone to produce proof I came out with this verbal term. However, I do recognize my own cartoon trademarks when I see them, and there were at least half-a-dozen examples where parts of my designs/drawing quirks were adapted by forum members of all levels: I spotted these instantly. Verbal terms I coined in my silly wordplay were also adapted by others as well. The CCGB forum was not really the best place for me to show my stuff---there are too many restrictions/threads getting locked on a whim, etc etc---it is simply too much bother to deal with and I am glad to be free of that facet of forum policy---at least on here, I can post whatever I like, and at higher rez to boot. However I wish everyone at the forum well, and I miss the weekly caption contest, the best thing on the site in my view. I never return back to browse through the site [it is possible, even if banned] so I no longer see any of the members' cartoons since the ban. My own drawings will continue to be seen on here, however, and elsewhere once I find a new cartoon site [possibly in the USA, my target audience for my cartoons] I get what Noel said about more experienced cartoonists than myself trying to advise me, however none of these have proved their mettle in this field, by both writing and drawing original characters and concepts, like I am aiming for.

  3. All this reminds me of the time of when an attractive woman joined the CCGB forum: she created a real stir, and she got banned and went to start up her own site. I do not claim to be 'attractive' like that but my cartoons were clearly getting attention, and it is clear the established Mods at the site do not really want anyone coming along and making an impact---individuality is most certainly not encouraged on the CCGB forum, they like to keep it ticking over so the established members can rule the roost in comfort. This is all very well, but the site does not get a lot of hits--I generated the biggest-seen thread ever, about 7000 hits, which is not really all that much compared to facebook etc---and really it is just a lot of hot air and 'experts' preaching to their underlings to a very small audience---I actually get more hits for my drawings on here [about 2000 a month if I keep posting] _---the CCGB forum can continue in this self-serving vein if it desires, but I for one will not be returning to read these preening, self-indulgent statements---it is not what I am involved in cartooning for. ...the CCGB forum stopped me from posting there but thankfully they are unable to halt the advancement of my cartooning abilities, which is of the most importance to me personally. GOODNIGHT.


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