RETURN of  KOONG KING.........

Yet another standard ingredient within the strip returns [for a hopefully welcome!] return airing, as the skulking, hulking giant ape known as KOONG KING stalks the sweltering city streets of old NOO YOIK, in his quest to provide secondary back-up light relief within the offbeat exploits of the BABY BOOMER shenanigans-----

-----'Ole K.K. is really no more than a gargantuan 'stooge' character to the main 'star' players, the quartet who hopefully you will be familiar with by now.........

-------The giant ape is a handy and reliable 'story device' I can fall back on repeatedly, as a seemingly never-ending series of visual outrage are offered up by his mere presence, with much more in this vein as yet unminted............also, a brand-new feature starting this issue, with never-seen-before supplementary material  gracing the proceedings:


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