First completed color strip:

The strip has been entred in an Intrnational comic-strip competition, and so this is as good a time as any to finally get a few of the old black-and-white inkings 'upgraded' into loving Digi-color. It was a long time in coming, but it has to be said that the strip definitely seems to 'come to life' once the color process is applied.

There are 10 stages in the contest, with  134 applicants, mainly from the USA [the market that most of us 'toonsmiths are hoping to crack, of course] but some entries are as far-lung as from Australia. This is the second year of the CARTOONIST STUDIO- run competition, and last year's winner was a panel effort, that got taken on by one of the Major Syndicates [CREATORS] as part of a development deal.

I personally hand-selected a few BABY BOOMER strips myself [as if there ever was an actual alternative to this!] which range from choice cuts from the early years, combined with more up-to-date material.

The strip is basically 'timeless' so no  matter really whence the material originates from......

VOTING BEGINS TODAY,  so if you wish to register your loyalty to BABY BOOMER, , please select the following link, and look up ENTRY 292 if you wish to vote with your feet [or anywhere else]:

Thanx Muckly!


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