Early 'lost' color test
A real behind-the scenes 'rarity' today, readers, inasmuch that I have unearthed this 'early' test color dabbling, done a mere and scant few short months ago.
The early weeks were pretty much hit-and-miss regarding picking up the techniques of computer-color, and various test swatches and doodle-dabblings had to be undertaken first, within a pure 'trial-and-error' basis. Today, thankfully, I have picked up enough knowledge as regards how to put a complete color image together, but in the 'early days' there were a few unfinished items, most of them [perhaps thankfully] lost forever.
Here's an early piece I thought lost I managed to salvage, though [I just retrieved it from an obscure thread within the generally ace COMICS UK site]: it's likely to remain unfinished, as I would approach the entire coloring very different today...
This one is for the future Historians of BABY BOOMER [some wishful thinking there, eh, readers!]:
The early weeks were pretty much hit-and-miss regarding picking up the techniques of computer-color, and various test swatches and doodle-dabblings had to be undertaken first, within a pure 'trial-and-error' basis. Today, thankfully, I have picked up enough knowledge as regards how to put a complete color image together, but in the 'early days' there were a few unfinished items, most of them [perhaps thankfully] lost forever.
Here's an early piece I thought lost I managed to salvage, though [I just retrieved it from an obscure thread within the generally ace COMICS UK site]: it's likely to remain unfinished, as I would approach the entire coloring very different today...
This one is for the future Historians of BABY BOOMER [some wishful thinking there, eh, readers!]: