Miscellanea II: that guy who resembles Charlie Chaplin

An added extra chucked in today: last week I joined a forum detailing the delights of that 'jolly jape' known as World War 2, and I decided I needed a unique avatar related to that theme.

I whipped up this one-off inking as a result, and it's been accepted, which strikes me as a bit unusual, as the rules and regulations on the forum itself are extremely tough and inflexible...don't get me wrong, it's a brilliant site with absolutely marvelous detail and data, but my first topic was dismissed rather huffily by the learned Administrators:

What if Hitler had Atomic Bombs?!

I thought it was a valid, sound poser of a question, but the topic was 'locked' the same day.

My heartfelt belief that Auschwitz should have been bombed was also scorned upon, so I have cut back on my postings after only a week.

Loads of people have been banned from this site, so how long I will last there, I don't know.

Here's the cartoon I done anyway:

  Back to Baby Boomer hopefully tomorrer!!


  1. It was in the newspaper recently about them finding bomb toxic waste in Germany when they were doing tests they were getting closer But thankfully didn't...

  2. Yes, they still find tons of unexploded bombs in Germany, Peter: about 10 per cent of bombs [over 2 million were dropped there!] never exploded!


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