Veronica: color REDUX

WHILST we're waiting for new cartoon material to come in, here's a 'fill-in-the-blanks' job where I've redone the background to an existing drawing of Veronica, to more effective  results. The original version was OK but too overdone: now that I've sussed out how layers are put together, I have been able to drop in a far more suitable, plainer background, where Hell is merely suggested by a glowing orange background.

I feel as if I'm cheating a bit putting in 'recycled' artwork, but rest assured, much more Baby Boomer artwork is in the pipeline, penciled and awaiting to be inked up. I just don't like neglecting the blog for more than a couple of days: other blogs I have enjoyed myself have disappointed  when I return and nothing new has been added for a month or more.

The Wonders of Digital Color means the cartoonist/artist gets an endless 'crack' at re-doing the color schemes an infinite number of's another experiment on the same drawing that came out corrupted, but nevertheless pretty effectively: very Hell-and-Damnation-like: [above].

 [above]:yet another unfinished test with groovy colors:

and lastly, in today's rather 'barrel-scraping ' presentation, here's a rare pic of me alongside my first-ever paid professional cartoon, a George and the Dragon Mural completed on my 21st Birthday: [above].

Normal service should be resumed as soon as possible, with all-new cartunery of a decidedly manic nature in the preperation stages as we speak. Refreshingly, it's as weird-and-wonderful as anything that has gone before.......


  1. Glad to see you using the colour.......congrats on the murals job too.....

  2. Thanks, was a long time ago, my hair is not like that now, sadly [or maybe gratefully!]

    Just completed some new murals-related work, incidentally.

  3. It was the new work I was referIng to ,but the old ones look good too....


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