Subvers-O-toons [4]: Jet Blanc

A fairly controversial entry today, readers, with a cartoon that is deemed never likely ever to see print: here it is revealed that 'cool cat Jet Blanc more than likely only owns one solitary cat-suit, which has to be washed and aired and dried when required.....nothing unusual in that set-up, you may ponder...but take a closer look: the feline one has literally shed his skin and hung his 'clothes' out to dry, while he casually sits and waits -----in the form of a living skeleton!

A wilfully bizarre situation, and one that I had planned on doodling for a long time.......extra touches here include a look at the roof-level on the towerblock where most of the characters live, as well as the abundant bird-life that soar above the Noo Yoik skies.

One detail that I will likely have to point out: the small icebox seen near the seated Jet is not only for his chilled fruit-drinks, but also where he  keeps his innards fresh while he waits to 're-assemble' back to normal!

I handled the idea with enough taste to keep the fridge door shut, and not reveal this grisly sight, however......a real oddity of a drawing, this one, but a refreshing change of subject. Delightfully outrageous, but I can't keep doing 'em all like this!

Only Baby Boomer himself  [and the Statue of Liberty]  left to do a  'Subvers-O-toon'   on, now----ain't as yet got a clue as to how I'm going to approach that one. It will be covered eventually, though.


  1. I like BB's reaction to the scene.

  2. Thanks very much, Niblet----I may do more.

  3. B.B.'s eyeline is slightly off [it can happen sometimes if you're not careful]-----his head should be tilted a bit towards the cat-suit hanging up----- but it's enough to get the point accross.

  4. I like it though the fridge door should stay shut..I think this strip could work with your normal strip..shame to loose this one..


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