
Baby Boomer himself takes center-stage today, as he poses in this 'direct-to-camera' 'snap', in which he surrounds himself with his favorite toys: in his case, his preferance is for 'Horror-themed' soft toys,   which he is proud to be seen with. Looking at this finished drawing, the horror soft toys are are a bit too reminiscent of the similar type of toys seen in Barrie Appleby's work on CUDDLES and DIMPLES out of DANDY, and as my cartoon style is clearly influenced by the output of D.C.Thomson, this is probably not surprizing.

I think it looks a bit too much of a 'steal' or direct lift [I never actually copy any other artist's work, I don't especially enjoy it---I actually think it's easier---and a lot more fun-----to think up original cartoons] and although I may do more ideas with the toys, their appearence has to be altered next time: it was only during the inking of these first examples that I discovered the distinct similarities to Barrie's work [I rate him as a very good cartoonist, however].

More stuff on this theme may follow, but it has to developed further.


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