Walkin' on the Wild Side
ANOTHER 'Crime-and-Punishment'- related item from the dusty archives,
this one sees BABY BOOMER gleefully taking control of the crime-ridden 'patch' he has been assigned to on his Noo Yoik 'beat'. His customized mega-handcuffs see him in good stead as he 'cleans up' much of the lowlife from this particularly sleazy neighborhood.
All other characters seen here are merely incidental 'stock villains': as I strive to make my drawings 'interesting', I often ensure that even the 'background characters' [or 'supporting players' in this particular instance] are each a wholly unique individual, with very different character traits: even if these characters will never be featured anywhere again.
How exactly B.B. has managed to actually round up these somewhat mean-looking baddies is not entirely clear: my drawings are sometimes criticized for not explaining every single motivation/action within a given scenario :
'why this?', 'why not that?', etc....
All I can reply to this is that I like to leave some elements of the situation to the reader's own imagination: the entire situation seen here is altogether absurd in the first place: how on Earth could a mere babe manage to round up this unsavory-looking lot?
----However, the clue is in Baby Boomer's 'nightstick' or truncheon, which looks as if it has just encountered some serious action.....
That is the underlying point of this gag, dear reader!
Another 'Pointing-out-the Obvious' Posting!
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