Subvers-O-toons [3]: VERONICA



The Third entry in the 'Subverso-O-toons' series sees a very unusual ---and intruiging-----view of glamorous 'catgal' Veronica, here resembling an erotic image out of 1970s 'Gentlemen's mag' PENTHOUSE  [so I'm told].

Savor this image, readers, as it's likely never to be repeated: however, a delightful experiment, which I hope I handled with taste and decency. I'm a long-time enthusiast of vintage British saucy seaside postcards, and this is my 'sort of' tribute to the erotically-charged cartoons of my youth. Other influences cited here must surely be the U.S.-STYLED 'Glamor pin-ups' of the 20th Century, which I also pursue with relish, with the expertly-crafted painted work of GIL ELVGREN in particular being a special personal favorite---check out this dude's work online; you won't regret it!

This drawing here had to be approached with delicacy and insighfulness: witness the alarmed reactions of JET and VIBES, who are clearly in uncharted territory here, glimpsing a facet of life that is forbidden, adult as well as shocking.....I was careful not to make my characters lecherous-looking and 'horny' here, which would have surely been the hallmark of a 'lesser' cartoonist, and also would have totally destroyed the innocence of my characters, which I have  been keen to preserve.

To be honest, I'd love to do more of this sort of thing, [imagine this sort of stuff in full-color!] however as tempting as it is to go down this route, it's too far removed from the commercial direction of the strip in general.

A nice change, though!


  1. Nice..why not colour it !!!!

  2. I'm getting to grips with the colouring techniques as we speak, John....I've joined a forum where I will be scanning in half-finished works, asking advice in how to colour them effectively.

    More on this later, which could well be incorporated into this site.......

    Hopefully I can pick up the hang of it [I can colour by hand, so it's a case of understanding the basics of computerized rendering, which is quite complex in my view].

  3. The seven-legged spider seems to be having a good time!

  4. Thanks, guys!

    Glad you counted the legs on the spider, Niblet: it shows you really DO look at the drawing details!

  5. I must admit the spider wasn't the first thing I looked at (blush)

  6. I take it as a compliment, Niblet---I definately enjoyed drawing this!


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