It's up to You, NOO YOIK:

This 'new' entry is actually culled from the 'archaic archives' , and in fact was a pencil-only effort I discovered last week. It looked fine, so I decided to ink it up----check out that vintage '2006' reference in the bottom left-hand corner! This is undoubtedly the longest-ever I have taken to 'finish' a long-ago started cartoon......many other half-finished ideas exist from the same period, but looking at most of them now, they lack direction and cohesion. So I suppose I have learned something doing all these drawings!

Another Love-themed offering, with a typical team-up between KOONG KING and the Statue of Liberty.

Muchos Appy Polly Logies that  the theme here is a bit too 'samey' to the last effort---I do try to vary the subject-matter evenly throughout, avoiding repetition--but rest assured, the works currently 'in progress' are striking out into new, uncharted territory.

I had hoped to add a timely, topical EASTER motif into the proceedings, but sadly the idea I would have applied here struck a bit too late. Ah well, there's always next Easter...............


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