'Stupor Comix':

THE THEME of comic-books themselves are adrressed directly within the pages of BABY BOOMER, and this scenario depicts B.B. and Jet fantasising that they are comic-book heroes, seemingly unaware that the readers are watching them act as comic-strip beings themselves.

Another common theme that is covered in the strips a fair bit are  the self-referential sequences depicting the gang turning out their own actual comic-strips in which they appear, under the banner of RETRO COMICS. This theme has not yet been covered visually on this site, but doubtless I will get around to it eventually.
A few strips have been completed of the main characters putting the BABY BOOMER strips together, admidst the chaos of deflating speech-bubbles, backfiring sound-effects, etc......more on this later.

Lots of strips out there tend to overdo the relationship between the drawn characters and their realization that they are merely fantasy characters: I address this theme in moderation, but I am careful not to overdo it.....here, it's used for occassional novelty only.


  1. If I may be so bold - isn't Jet's cuppa tea at odds with the Noo Yoik setting, or are you deliberately playing with our expectations? I would have thought he'd be slurping a cawfee.

  2. Well spotted, Nibbles...I slipped up there!

    Shoulda bin cafee, I can always change it though.

    Glad to see you are soaking in the details, I appreciate it!


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