War WAS Stupid, Part 3:

This very controversial drawing remains the most doom-laden, destructive and pessemistic cartoon I have ever undertaken within the banner of the strip known as BABY BOOMER.

What on Earth was I thinking of, coming up with this idea? Was I depressed, or experiencing a day when my faith in Humanity was at an all-time low ebb? I've no idea where most of my ideas actually spring from, and this cartoon remains something of a mystery. I have always loved drawing Atomic Explosions, however they are amongst the all-time taboo subjects of cartoonology, and best left avoided, especially if an artist is trying to get a foothold in a commercial setting: Death and Destruction on this scale is a bit of a downer, to put it mildly.

The experiment you see here is never likely to be ever repeated, so it's a true 'one-off' you see before you here: I am, however, still trying to work out how to portray Nuclear Explosions into my daily strips.....thus far, I have come up with a scenario involving a Mushroom Cloud radiating from a bowl of cornflakes.


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