Some much-needed sex-appeal [there-----THAT got yer attention, readers!] within the generally wholesome fare that makes up the nucleus of the BABY BOOMER imagery and iconography, our decidedly attractive young 'catwoman' was a relatively late entry within the formatting of the strip, and the last of the four central characters to come into being.

Veronica is quite different in concept to the other three pivotal figures [JET BLANC, VIBES and B. B. himself all look as if they have stepped out of a late-60s period D.C.Thomson comic, or perhaps even a 1930s-era Max Fleischer 'Popeye' or 'Betty Boop' animation].

No such claims can be brought forth in the case of our Vero, who is very different in appearance: she seems almost 'semi-realistic' in her feminine body-form, at odds with the other three main character's 'dough feet' and 'pure cartoon' character construction.

It's great having a tangible female character to work with, however, which sure adds a lot of scope and dimension to the gag ideas and situations.

And what the Hell, I love drawing 'attractive babes'.

above: poor Veronica only exists [character Model-Sheet-wise] as a half-page entity, and thoroughly deseves a more comprehensive introduction than that depicted here. Tell you what, I'll also bung in this 'bargain bonus' illustration of our Vero, as way of compensation:

 Rest assured, she appears in stacks of the strips, though!:

Above, we see a relatively recent incarnation of Veronica's persona: at times, she appears as a slinkily seductive, leather-clad crime-fighter of skilful athletic abilities. This 'alter-ego' disguise has never been twigged by the other main characters--to date------within the comic strip cavortings.


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