The Motivation Behind the Madness:

If I can possibly help it, absolutely NO outside imagery by other cartoonists will appear on this site, unless, of course, relevant comparisons with other works appear inevitable. A large backlog of  my own self-written and drawn cartoon drawings -----which accounts for  a few hundred finished strips-------are already completed, meaning a wealth of material is 'ripe for the culling', ready to be inserted here.

With no further delay, let's plunge straight into the basics regarding the overall tone and intent of this strip, BABY BOOMER:

What is this strip all about?

-----it's basically a reflection on the madness exhibited by the Human Race, which never ceases to amuse/confound me. People  throughout the World are capable of intense creation, destruction, wisdom, ignorance, explosive mania and heartfelt emotion.......on top of a whole bunch of other stuff, like War, Passion, Stupidity, Snobbery, Oneupmanship, Love, Lust, Sloth, Invention, Greed, Mistrust, Discovery, Devotion, Contentment, Mindless Materialism, ---and this doesn't even count 'added extras' like basic laziness, addiction to luxury, hopelessness at DIY, thwarted and requited desire, etc, etc.......the entire gamut of human trials and tribulations are represented within this strip, neatly packaged within the hopefully appealling forms of three 'humanized' cartoon animals, and one cute but mute li'l ole baby..........

Tell us about the Main Characters.

------in the tradition of solid storytelling, the main 'feature players' are pared down to a basic four pivotal players: these are:


the instantly-recognizable, feline-cat figure, with distinctive eyepatch and 'spats'-like cuffs and finery.  Jet probably instigates most of the gags, or at least reacts more intelligently  to many of the bizarre situations with his most natural feline cunning.


somewhat unique in that this poochesque mutt is something of a sidekick to centre-stage star Jet, if not as worldly wise as the Master. However, Vibes displays a penchant for getting out of unlikely situations using his own unique brand of surrealist escapology, which he turns to when need be. Vibes also is more akin to down-to Earth traits, like occassional laziness and lack of patience. The strip's resident cook in most cases, rustling up some mean junk food as well as exotic cuisine.


Vero is the strip's most glamorous and sultry icon, being a somewhat attractive female cat  as well as the 'sometimes' girlfriend of Jet. Much of the female point-of-view is put acrross by her feminine wiles. The object of much desire and appreciation by Jet, she uses him when she feels like it, though she's not a bad lass, really: just a bit choosy in her choices of soul-mate. She also lives independently in her own ground-floor house, apart from the others.

And lastly........

BABY BOOMER  himself,

------the last but equally essential of the quartet of main players. 'B.B.' acts as the epitome of innocence against the backdrop of surrealist anarchy that frames the backdrop of the bulk of the strip's shenanigans. B.B. is definately a 'he', although he is of the age when it's quite difficult to tell the sex, really.........for all his worldly- wiseless innocence, Baby thinks nothing of teetering on top of the Empire State Building, to cite one example. Paradoxically, he is the lynchpin of the 'speechified' three other mainstay characters.

Model Sheets and Character Pose-sheets a-plenty  of the above main players will be added on here very shortly, to clarify the visuals.

WHERE and WHEN is the Strip set?

-------the events are set in the good old  HERE and NOW, although there are very little concessions to 21st-Century 'props' and paraphanalia at first glance. TV indeed exists, but is seen more as an irritating backdrop to be scorned. Computers and such appear very rarely, and in fact modern cellphones are thus far non-existent, a fact I am very proud of thus far! The emphasis of the events are more based on absurdist, surreal situations, more akin to anarchic cartoonery of the 20th Century, with more modern trials and tribulations best left alone to other strips, who are covering these themes perfectly well.

The strip is actually set in the 'Good Old U. S. of A.', more specifically in downtown Noo Yoik, and three of the four central characters reside in a top-storey floor of a high-rise skyscraper, which offers up [seemingly]  endless potential for witnessing and reacting against many bizarre New York sights, speaking of which.......


----------the BIG APPLE setting is ripe and ready to include the absurdist delights of home-grown icons the Statue of Liberty and resident big Ape Koong King, who appears to be the long-lost cousin of his more celebrated Kong cousin. These two large-scale beings set the scene for many tailor-made sight-gags, of a decidedly manic nature. They are soley represented as incidental characters, however, and act as back-up only, playing second fiddle to the four main characters.


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