early Koong King logo try-out

Sifting thru' the 'archives' I possess [ironically, in order  to assemble this  very updated 'archive'] recently, I was pleased to retrieve some examples of artwork connected to the Baby Boomer project, and here's one I prepared earlier, that I had  all but  forgotten  about:

Clearly a fairly early test-inking of KOONG KING and his gargantuan role within the BOOMER exploits, this was concieved as a LOGO 'of sorts' at one point [all that flag-waving action is very typical of the strip's identity and iconography, for some reason].

The image was shelved for motives lost in the mists of time, and has seldom been seen anywhere: a real curio from the 'hidden archives'  dusted off this very day for your 'delight and delectation'.

The endless experimentation of test cartoons and gag situations has yielded many weird-and-wonderful images, and some of these will be salvaged from the scapheap if they are deemed to be worthy of inclusion. Out-and-out dross [we're all human, even cartoonists] will remain rightfully hidden from public view, hopefully for all time!

The bulk of future imagery will center on all-new material, refreshingly.


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