Cops 'n' Robbers 2: Boomer fights Back!
An early 'Crime-n-Punishment' scenario theme-drawing of considerable vintage, this cartoon 'turns the tables' on the Noo Yoik cops who emerged so triumphantly dominant in the previous cartoon outing.
Hardly the epitome of sophisticated or 'highbrow' humor, these crime-related drawings reflect my own basically unpretentious sense of humor, which avoids many 'modern' trends such as sarcasm or irony, both of which are well catered for within much of today's printed and published output.
IRONY is fine if handled well, but SARCASM has never especially appealled to me, either in real-life, or within mass-entertainment. This mode of 'humor' definately has a following, but I do not count myself amongst these numbers.
Give me that falling Anvil gag, or a well-deserved boot up the a** scenario any day of the week! I reckon the following gag has subconciously been influenced by TEX AVERY or somesuch purveyor of elaborate slapstick.
Hardly the epitome of sophisticated or 'highbrow' humor, these crime-related drawings reflect my own basically unpretentious sense of humor, which avoids many 'modern' trends such as sarcasm or irony, both of which are well catered for within much of today's printed and published output.
IRONY is fine if handled well, but SARCASM has never especially appealled to me, either in real-life, or within mass-entertainment. This mode of 'humor' definately has a following, but I do not count myself amongst these numbers.
Give me that falling Anvil gag, or a well-deserved boot up the a** scenario any day of the week! I reckon the following gag has subconciously been influenced by TEX AVERY or somesuch purveyor of elaborate slapstick.
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