Baby Boomer's Domestic Bliss
No need to be NEGATIVE about it!
It's not all way-out wackiness and outlandish spectacle within the frames of BABY BOOMER, though, as the following illustration testifies to: a good healthy number of the strips are down-to-Earth and restrained, and even--dare I say it-----domesticated in a good number of occassions. A high proportion of the gag ideas center around highly recognizable everyday/consumer/ typical situations we all experience in our day-to-day living.The only real difference within the strip's outlook is the obvious concession of the fantastic [as in 'fantasy'] or at the very least, unexpected , element of hopefully surprizing humor or 'spin on things' coming to the fore somewhere within each daily strip offering.
Here we see a typical kitchen/early-morning scenario, only it's been pepped up a bit by the introduction of a seemingly alive free gift version of the Statue of Liberty, who 'herself' plays an active role as 'supporting character' within BOOMER's exploits......
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