
Showing posts from July, 2017

The Saudi Connection [3]

THE NEXT SEQUENTIAL FRAME  done fairly recently for my customized strip done for the Arabic Market. adventures in comic-strip land: RAB L RAUSER bonus material: typical abuse aimed at this author by convicted felon and ex-media mogul Jonathan King, currently on trial for crimes against minors. This [verbal] abuse from King has been going on for several years now cut and paste: You are a total fucking sad arsehole. aren't you? All of what you have written there is utter bollocks and clearly you've been watching repeats of Granada TV's Crown Court to get some inspiration for your thick stupid Scottish juvenile's brain. Indeed, you know FUCK ALL about anything other than very, very childish "cartooning" and playing with yourself whilst doing it! You are a very worthless member of the human race and I can't see any fucker celebrating you long after you've finally fucking died, hopefully in terrible, terrible agony from something like brain cancer and wit...

FLYTOONS: Final Line-Up

FLYTOONS [ formerly THE FLY] IS BACK WITH A VENGANCE, courtesy this brand-new, freshly minted artwork. As previously stated by me on here many times, I had to alter the mix in order to avoid plagiarism:   the look of the feature-concept was far too close to the characters in the 1958 FOX movie that inspired this work. AND SO!!!!!!! ----------- DISCOUNTING    the tiny fly-man, I only---previously------ had two characters: the scientist girl and the man-sized fly-man hybrid--clearly, another character would not go amiss, and here I am unveling this brand-new scientist dude for the first time---thus far he only exists as a sheet of rough sketches and this finished piece seen below..---------- THE FINISHED LINE-UP for FLYTOONS now stands as: -------- left to right: HELLEYNE, the attractive   female scientist and wife of full-size FLY-mutant Andre. The voice of reason within the ultra-grim proceedings. NEW CHARACTER:         older male scientist, an un...

keycaps 3: Finale

ALL THE REMAINING KEYCAPS imagery I done as recent commercial artwork. RAB L RAUSER

keycaps [2]

MORE RECENT keycap cartoons done by me just this week, created to illustrate an office-based website. A nice easy assignment that came along and got done and dusted very quickly. RAB L RAUSER


HOT OFF THE PRESS THIS VERY WEEK, here are examples of very simplified commercial artwork I sometimes turn out; at one time I had no real interest in working on such streamlined character design, but over time I have warmed more towards this. I now realize that very straightforwards design and characterization such as this is more often than not purer, more honest cartooning because there is no hiding behind endless detail or 'dazzling technique' where it is very easy to impress non-artistic onlookers. In fact , anyone can set out to create a very simplistic, basic-shape character, even folks who have never seriously taken up drawing,  as the designs  only contain a few basic lines: paradoxically, this is much harder to pull off effectively, as all the lines have to be absolutely spot-on and   still be hard-fitting and effective visually. The cartoonist actually has it a lot easier when assembling imagery with many incidents going on at once / attention to detail/ elabora...

Esoteric Sketches

I RECENTLY ACCEPTED my third comic-strip-related project this year, and it's for a comic-strip deliberately done in an old-school fashion. Here are the rough examples that landed me the job: ----------these are not going to appear in the finished work, so they are fine for adding on here Nice n rough n vital, however rough-hewn: This stage is the most important part of cartooning [and the most creative] in my view ----- RAB L RAUSER

The Saudi Connection [2]

I AM ADDING IN --one-at-a-time-----the frames I done for a Saudi Arabian comic strip a few weeks back [around April 2017, in case you are a future Smithonian  Historian reading this [!] The strip was originally mooted to be rendered in basic black and white, but as is customary in these things, my insistence on Lavish Production Values took grip, and I ended up forging relatively elaborate cartoon scenarios. The design of the kid characters [this was so new, we never even had names for them when I was doing this] are probably inspired by the style of Robert Nixon, one of the best comics-funnies artists Britain ever produced, to me at any rate. The overall ambience is somewhat reminiscent of the old Fleischer Popeye the Sailor animated cartoons, and indeed this was the approach I set out to achieve when I started taking up this lark pretty seriously:  it is only fairly recently I acquired the know-how---and the domestic technology---to be able to put these suckers together in t...

Comic-Strip Jamboree

HERE IS THE SECOND EXAMPLE  of a comic-strip I have taken over for the Spanish Market, compleat with exotic [by our standards] Latino lettering in the word balloons. After losing interest somewhat in comics strips----seemingly forever------I accepted some out-of-the-blue commissions from interested parties. This strip had been running for four years before I came along, and so understandably, I have to adhere to existing templates struck by others: not a method of working I actually enjoy,  but I am willing to go along with this if it provides work---and why not, as Barry Norman used to ask. I had to make a few alterations digitally on this one, but we have sorted it all out now, and future endevors will be more plotted out in advance with rough drafts being submitted for approval first, in order to save me having to alter a lot of the elements later on. A WORD ON THE TECHNIQUE USED: This example screened below is something of a 'first' for me, as I have drawn the characters a...

LOGO-a-Go-Go [3]

AFTER SHELVING THE FLY for a fair few months, I have decided the time is right to resurrect this most bizarre concept, as I reckon it is easily my most striking-looking work. THE FLY probably only exists as 30 or so images-----and most of these are quick rough sketches. It does seem a lot more than that for whatever reason, but to be honest I have not especially invested all that much time---as yet---in the overall proposal. HOWEVER, I deliberately put the whole FLY idea aside for a fair while, as I had  became concerned that the entire look and ambience  was too much of a 'straight lift' from the 20th Century Fox sci-fi/ horror film from 1958, and I realized I had to alter the mix radically: first up is a new name: FLYTOONS --although not exactly original or in any way ground-breaking will suffice for the moment. I also needed an overall logo and so here we see the tiny fly-man taking these particular honors: he seems to have accepted his tiny-mutant status, and here he ...