The Saudi Connection [3]

THE NEXT SEQUENTIAL FRAME done fairly recently for my customized strip done for the Arabic Market. adventures in comic-strip land: RAB L RAUSER bonus material: typical abuse aimed at this author by convicted felon and ex-media mogul Jonathan King, currently on trial for crimes against minors. This [verbal] abuse from King has been going on for several years now cut and paste: You are a total fucking sad arsehole. aren't you? All of what you have written there is utter bollocks and clearly you've been watching repeats of Granada TV's Crown Court to get some inspiration for your thick stupid Scottish juvenile's brain. Indeed, you know FUCK ALL about anything other than very, very childish "cartooning" and playing with yourself whilst doing it! You are a very worthless member of the human race and I can't see any fucker celebrating you long after you've finally fucking died, hopefully in terrible, terrible agony from something like brain cancer and wit...