Interglobal, Inc: Two-Point-Five

A BUNCH OF SNOBBY-acting , apparently  sour-faced misery-guts that made up some of the most selfish members on a petty-evil  forum I used to be on sometimes indicated that my cartoons were 'not funny enough to sell' however a quick backtrack through this site will reveal I CAN actually turn my hand to very commercial material that pays,  if the opportunity arises.

True, I much prefer just drawing the way I feel like-----what artist DOESN'T?------however sometimes the discipline of trying out something that 'has to be done in a certain way' can be well worthwhile----more on this later, I am actually doing stuff along this train-of-thought right now.

The commercial material I probably enjoy more is when the buyer specifies something 'a bit more off-the-beaten track', which was the case here.


My display for a VAPE shop in Estonia that is apparently getting the punters in.

PHOTOS via camera-phone--I have never actually seen this shop---but here we get enough to make a point:



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